Running is such a natural activity that it doesn't take much to organize a good, old fashioned, foot race with the neighborhood kids.
I learned all of the kids names and proper pronunciations so that I could high-five and cheer for them at the finish line. The usual top three are 1st- Shashank- last boy on the right with a blue and white striped shirt, 2nd place Vincent- first boy on the left side with a navy blue shirt & sportswarch, 3rd place Gigi, the only girl in pink (that's my girl!). I set out a snack table with water and snacks, just like a real race :-)
While on vacation the family across the way had their son running up and down the hall. He looked utterly bored and was half-a$$ing his run. I asked the boy if he wanted to race. His face lit up like Christmas! I took off my heels, set aside my glass of wine, and waited for "Ready, set, go!" We raced up and down the hall and I didn't let him start winning until I knew he was pushing himself and having fun. He was so proud, his family cheering him on and gave him a "pretend medal."
Big open spaces or steep terrain seem to call out to kids: "Run! And be freeeeeeeee!" My friend Karina and I got in on the fun and raced with our little ones. We were giggling girls at the end of that. How fun!
If you have access to a munchkin, play tag with them, tell them you're "IT", and see if you can channel your inner child.
Happy running, friends!